Writing mantra

  • Prove that fear of failure won't guarantee the failure. Face the fear.
  • Fear of failure perpetuates the failure.
  • It's better to have tried and failed than to never have tried at all. - ?
  • Write. Just write. Don't think, don't breath. Release the fear and write. 
  • Write until it becomes as natural as breathing. Write until not writing makes you anxious. 

I found a children's story that I wrote in 2007, inspired by my daughter'a antics when cleaning her room. I had completely forgotten about the story and I really love it. I went through three drafts, saving each draft. I'd really like to find a way to publish it. I read it to little niece and nephew and they laughed. A few more edits and it may be ready.  Now I have to figure out how to get it published. Time to buy another Writer's Market. Maybe they are published online now, (It's been a while.)


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