Ex-husbands and hairstyles

Found out tonight that my dearest ex-husband very recently told our daughter that the reason why he is paying for ski lessons for his other children but never did for her was because I wouldn't let him take her on Mondays for the lessons.

Dearest daughter is 19 years old. Old enough to see past her dad and his, for lack, crap. This is the same dad that I'll soon be planning a wedding with. Joy to me. 

In case the sarcasm isn't leaking down the computer screen at this point, let me just say that I never once ever stopped him from taking his daughter for anything. The truth would be closer if he said that he didn't want to ask me if he could take her on Mondays. Because, undoubtedly, I would have asked to trade so I still had equal time with her. 

I've given up trying to understand dearest ex-husband's hatred towards me. I get that we got divorced, 18 years ago. I get that we haven't always gotten along, have different parenting styles, and generally conflict in every way possible. Don't ask why we ever got married in the first place, whole other story. 

A very good friend recently told me that I needed to get over the resentment I have towards him and realize that he isn't going to change and be anything different towards me. My resentment all stems from the way that he treats dear daughter differently than the kids he has had with his second wife. I don't understand it and it's been hard to watch over the years. 

Ugh. Okay. Deep breath.

I think I'm done.

Just one more thing. What's with the 80's hairstyle he's still wearing? 

Okay, done.   


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