What's my REAL job title?

Yesterday, something happened to change my perspective about the job duties I have at my primary job, my "mom" job. Seven kids, you'd think I knew my job pretty well. Most days, I'm constantly reminded that I did pray for patience, so I can hardly complain when it's tested. But yesterday, as I attended my church meeting, I listened as the teacher spoke about how we show our love to God. She gave us a questionnaire to complete that gave us some introspection on our relationship with Heavenly Father. I realized that my primary duty, at this time in my life, is to raise my family. What kind of job am I doing? Especially with these two little kids who have become mine.

So today was a little different kind of day. I still ran out of patience, pointing a loaded finger at my head as I read with little Matt (who can't master any of his sight words), but the way I thought about my job was different. I know I talk a lot about perspective, and haven't ever talked religion, but the lesson on Sunday had a big impact on me and I thought I should write about it.

As women, we experience different roles throughout the day and juggle between it all. But at the base, I'm a child of God, and the first commandment is to love God. "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength." Mark 12:30. So every role that I play throughout the day should center around this first commandment. Every action should show God that I love Him.  Wow. Huge.


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