Call me Deadpool

My littlest man came into my room yesterday morning.

"I want to change my name."

I looked at him, remembering something similar from him a few months back.

"What do you want to change your name to?"

"Deadpool. I want you to change my name to Deadpool."

"I can't do that," I told him. "Kids will beat you up."

"It doesn't matter because Deadpool is invincible. No one can kill him."

"Yes, he may be invincible but you aren't and kids will still want to beat you up."

"I don't care," he told me. "I want to fight them."

Oh great, I thought. He's six. And wants to fight people. This is much worse than when he wanted to be called Jackson.

My 12 year old son tried to explain to me who Deadpool was. I'm really not that in to comics and tried to tell him as he kept describing the character to me.

Kids crack me up.


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