This is my brain on geography

Brutal. That's what I told my professor after I handed in my exam paper today. She laughed and said that the last person told her it was a good test. I put in more hours studying for this test than any I have ever taken, and I'll be happy with a C. I wonder what makes some brains work well with science, and others, not so much. I could have pointed out several places where she could have phrased her question better. But although I knew most of the material covered, I could not wrap my brain around some of the answers. By the time I left, I had a pounding headache. This is the last class needed to complete my requirement in science. I will continue to chant that as a mantra. It's really discouraging to hope for a C grade when I have put in so much work. However, her tests ARE really brutal. She tries to trick you, and changes just one word to make the sentence incorrect. Multiple choice - yeah! - but with "D. Answers A & B are correct." and "which of the following statements is incorrect" kind of choices. I'd like to say part of the problem is simply the lack of test-taking in the past 10 years. However, if you look at my transcript you will see many blurbs where I tried and failed previously to complete my science requirement. So I can't really blame it on the time between attending school. It's all my brain's fault. I'm just not wired for science. Maybe I can get an upgrade.


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