Guess this blog didn't go according to plan. I'm currently on a "procrastinate the day of homework" phase, and my plans include writing in my blogs and generally finding anything else to do besides the five page essay I just found out about today. The one that is due on Thursday. No big deal.

My article for my Media Writing class was published today in The Signpost. Except that it was published under a different name. Apparently my work is good enough to go into the paper, I just don't get credit for writing it. I wonder if the girl I interviewed was confused as to who David Freeland was. Bet that was a bit confusing to her, since it was a girl (me) that interviewed her. It's like I gave my interview notes to someone else and they wrote the article. No one would believe that the editors messed up and put someone else's name on my article - we are a college paper after all and can get names right. I emailed my displeasure to my professor. I wonder how that email will affect my grade! Ooops. Here's my article, I mean, David's article...

Debator Sets Record


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