Never accept a piggy back ride from a stranger

I had surgery on my foot and I've been hobbling around on crutches. I've temporarily given up on getting to my Grammar class, but have to go to French and Geography. The other day I was leaving French and got outside the building. Two of the kids from my class ride over to Lind Lecture hall with me because they have Geography also. They are roommates, and were arguing about whether or not Marshall really ran 10 miles every day last week.

I was ahead of them, and got to the stairs and paused. Marshall's friend Tyler walked up next to me and asked if I needed help. I commented on how much I hated these stairs and then started up them. Foot first, then crutches. Foot first, then crutches. I hate, these stairs. I hate, these stairs. Halfway up he walked in front of me and held his arms out. "Hop on," he says. He was offering to piggy back me up the stairs. Like I could jump up onto his back with my crutches in my hands. Like I would anyway. I said "Oh, that's okay. Thanks, though." He said "okay" and finished walking up the stairs.

When I got to the top, I saw him walking in the wrong direction. "Can't he see that my car is right there?" Then I looked at him more closely. "Is that Tyler?" I turned around. Marshall and Tyler were coming up the stairs. I have no idea who that kid was. Very strange.


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