The difference between a period and a comma

My little nine year old daughter sat at the kitchen stool, having just discovered the wonderful sound a laptop keyboard makes when you plunk at the keys. She opened a Word document and begin typing. Her seven year old sister sat beside her and read outloud as her sister typed.

"My name is Brittney. I have long blond hair with brown streaks. Man, I love cheetahs. And dolphins."

I stood in the kitchen emptying the dishwasher and paused, plate held halfway to the cupboard door. "Man, you love cheetahs?" I tried not to laugh. Well, I tried not to laugh to hard.

"No mom, let ME read you what I wrote."

"My name is Brittney. I have long blond hair with brown streaks, man. I love cheetahs and dolphins."

I liked the first version better.


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